HEDGERLEY, Buckinghamshire – St Mary.
Repairs 1928
The Uxbridge and West Drayton Gazette of 28 August 1925 ran the following article.
The Rev. O’Connor, the Rector of Hedgerley, has issued the following: “We are faced with a grave situation as regards our church. Dangerous cracks have appeared in the tower and several feet of masonry, including the battlements, are being taken down to avoid a crash. There are also serious cracks in the lower walls and other defects which urgently need attention. The cost of repairs is estimated at from £500 to£800. The parishioners of Hedgerley and Hedgerley Deanwill, of course, help according to their means, but as they are mostly working folk, and the parish is very small, it is necessary to make a wider appeal. The Parochial Church Council feel there must be many outside the parish who take an interest in the place and the church, and would be glad to help in this emergency. We, therefore, venture to ask you for a donation to the repair fund. I will gladly acknowledge any gifts sent to me. The work is under the direction of the diocesan architect, Mr. Fellowes Prynne, whose name is a guarantee that your contribution will be used to the best advantage.”
On 27 April 1928, a report of Parochial Church Meeting in the same paper mentioned how the Rector was impressed with the generosity of the parishioners and friends in enabling them to repair the fabric of the church, which was
now in a more satisfactory condition than it had been for years.
The meeting also noted the death of Mr. Fellowes Prynne, as the repairs were completed posthumously.