MENHENIOT, Cornwall – St Lalluwy. 

North Aisle windows 1920-27; Restoration of sanctuary 1922-25; War memorial 1924

A letter of 11 July 1922 in the Dart and Francis archives lists proposed work as follows:

  1. Remove granite steps, put in new steps and paving – finely axed granite steps. 1” Sicilian and Black marble paving, finished with finely gritted surface; also 1” slate slab under altar. Refix existing altar rails. £238/-/-
  2. Oak Altar and Gradine £110/-/-
  3. Oak panelling to walls of Sanctuary, including sedilia and aumbry.
  4. Two parclose Screens in oak North and south side of chancel. £184/-/-

In his reply the Vicar decided that they would revise the existing altar, and that nothing was to be done about the proposed chapel for the present.

On 14 September 1922 Dart and Francis requested old bosses so that they could make new ones in a similar style.

On 11 December 1924 correspondence made reference to Memorial Chapel choir stalls and paving, on 4 May 1925 to an oak servers’ desk, with an estimate of £6/5/-, and on 10 August 1925 to a Persian carpet to be set behind the altar rails.

On 20 April 1925, an estimate for granite steps and marble paving was sent for £230.  (This was reduced on 22 April to £183, provided the existing steps were taken up and re-used.)  Also in the letter of 20 April, the North parclose screen was to be erected now, and the South to follow once a donor had been found.

26 June 1905  asked that work  be completed as soon as possible – before the work at St Saviour, Dartmouth.

03 July 1925  estimate for installing reredos, riddels and panelling behind altar, raising existing altar and giving it a new top £83/-/-.  This to be dedicated on 16 August, and “Mr. Snell to do the panels, as always.”

The total cost for the work here, invoiced on 25 September 1925, was £699/12/6.  The design of the reredos reflects closely the earlier design of the War memorial panel.  See illustrations below.

It would appear that no donor was forthcoming for the South parclose screen to be installed at this time, as one designed by R. F Wheatley was installed some time after 1931, carved by the Pinwill Sisters.  See Menheniot – The Remarkable Pinwill Sisters

Fellowes Prynne designed three windows in the South Aisle.  They were made by his favoured manufacturers, Messrs. Percy Bacon Brothers.

More information, and photographs, can be found on the following links (one for each window).

The stained glass of Menheniot, St Lalluwy (

The stained glass of Menheniot, St Lalluwy (

The stained glass of Menheniot, St Lalluwy (

The War Memorial is located on the west wall of the south porch of the church.  This information is from the Kressen Kernow Cornwall Archives website.

Kresen Kernow

The first two photos show first the War memorial, and the third the reredos.