KILKHAMPTON, Cornwall – St James the Great. 

Rood screen and figures 1905

The Builder of 30 December 1905 described the unveiling and dedicating ceremony for this Rood screen.  It was a memorial to a Mrs Thynne.

The screen is from the design of Mr. G. Fellowes Prynne.  The three figures are after those in Poundstock Church, and are carved in white wood.  The cross and base are carved in oak.  Mr. Prynne has also designed the carved panels which will be fixed underneath the figures, and these, together with the carved oak chancel door, are already in hand at Messrs. Hems & Sons’ studio, Exeter, who are carrying out the work.

See the illustration of the screen at Poundstock church for comparison.

The two undated postcards show the Rood screen from the nave, and a closer view from the south aisle.